Hemlo Mine

Barrick Gold assigned orelogy to undertake a Pre-Feasibility Study & NI43-101 Report for the Hemlo Mine in Canada.

Nyanzaga Gold Project

The Nyanzaga Project, a JV between OreCorp Ltd and Acaia Mining Plc, is a large scale gold project utilsing a concurrent open pit and underground operation to produce c. 213koz pa over an initial 12 year mine life.


In 2016 orelogy undertook a Scoping & Pre Feasibility Study

Yaoure Gold Project

In 2014 orelogy was commissioned to undertake a Scale of Operations Study of the Yaoure Gold Project located in Cote d’Ivoire.

Nullagine Gold Project

In 2014 orelogy was requested by Heritas Capital Management to undertake a mining reconciliation of Millennium’s Nullagine Gold Project operation as part of their commercial and technical due diligence review

Porgera Gold Mine

In 2014 Barrick Gold Corporation requested orelogy to provide strategic open pit engineering support for their Porgera Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea.

Nzema Gold Project

The Nzema Gold, a JV between Endevour Mining Corporation and the government of Ghana, is a medium scale gold project utilising open pit mining methods to produce c. 100koz pa over an initial 7 year mine life.